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Are You a Wantrepreneur?

By January 13, 2015No Comments

Are You a Wantrepreneur?

It’s someone who, according to Urban Dictionary, thinks about being an entrepreneur but never gets started or is just not quite yet an entrepreneur.

While it’s never advisable to start a business for the sole reason of making money we should remember that a business needs to make money (by definition) and so a wantrepreneur is best positioned for success with a solid understanding of basic financial information and practices — ideally learned, tested, and proved on his/her own personal finances. (It might help overcome those pretty awful failure statistics!)

We get asked all the time about workshops for business owners. At one point we thought we’d get them out by the end of 2014. Didn’t happen. For a couple reasons. But the primary reason being that we aren’t helping anyone by making it an option to skip over handling their personal finances and going straight to business.

Sure you hear of those people who were broke, made billions and lived happily ever after but the chances of that are like being struck by lightening while getting bitten by a shark. More often, people who didn’t know how to manage their money when they had very little, struggle with money even when they’re bringing it in by the boatload.

That’s really depressing — having plenty of money and still being miserable about money. Trust me, I’ve seen it. It’s not only sad but I think it’s ugly, dangerous and destructive (I really don’t think I’m being dramatic here). I won’t help create more unhappy rich people. It might sell workshops but it’s not my thing.

So this is my invitation to wantreprenueurs, entrepreneurs, and justapreneurs (you just thought of becoming an entrepreneur right now 🙂 to register for our Basic Personal Finance Workshops. They start THIS Saturday with the Organization workshop in the morning and Budget workshop in the afternoon. There are also other dates between Saturday and June available too.


Author Chelsea

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