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A stark reminder, during the #COVID-19 pandemic and the current #recession, is of our interdependence and #connectivity. ❤️ Many of us will be challenged #financially, possibly to a breaking point. Therefore, we would like to offer hope by sharing our expertise and knowledge in managing #finances, which is more of a guiding discipline and lifestyle.In our mission to impart #financial management knowledge, we have been working on writing a book, which is near publication. 👩‍🏫

The book is titled S.A.V.E. Yourself. Develop the Financial Fitness to Spend in Alignment with Your Values, not Ego. It systematically unveils our complete financial management system for you to assimilate and implement. In the book, the first concept we teach is a system to organize. 🗂️ This system will help you create a budget, track spending and much more. You will be informed of the publication date, so please follow us on social media.

This book will be a life changing tool in your achievement of #financialhealth. 📊As promised in one of our previous posts, following is a list of the folders that may be needed to execute the organization system:

Savings Bank Account

Checking Bank Account

A folder for each Credit Card Institution Income and Tax Returns


Furniture and Décor

Auto Expenses



Mortgage/Rent or Lease Payment

Home Repair and Maintenance

Medical Expenses


Wardrobe and Grooming

To request a complete list of folders we recommend, email us at You may also follow us on:Facebook: Financially Fit Foundation, Inc.Instagram: #financiallyfitfoundation

Olivia Galicia

Author Olivia Galicia

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