Yep, but only with a sh*t ton of gratitude!
OK that’s not the exact term that the study used, but it’s still true
Just as I’ve said here before, gratitude will make you feel more rich and happier than actually having lots of money and stuff ever could.
Not that we advocate for materialism to the degree it has consumed our culture, but there’s nothing wrong with a very mild degree of it. Focusing on attaining nice things is acceptable just so long as those things are acquired with integrity, serve your truest expression, and you’re truly appreciative of the stuff.
That’s because materialism as we know it is actually negatively associated with life satisfaction. This literally means that you can’t buy your way to happiness. But you can buy stuff AND be happy IF you actively practice gratitude.
As Brene Brown says, it’s not just an ‘attitude of gratitude’ that makes people happy but an actual practice that counts.
So while you’re whipping out those wallets be sure to do a happy (thankful) dance while you’re at it!
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