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Tax-time Delight!

By March 17, 2015No Comments

Is that really possible?

Yep. At least pretty close!

It’s almost a status symbol to express your hatred for paying taxes (kinda like how being “stressed and tired” has become a bizarre badge of honor in our culture). While it’s not my favorite thing to do with my money, my mom (who pays boatloads more than I do with a smile on her face) has taught (and frequently reminds!) me to be understanding and accepting of the odd blessing it is to pay taxes.

The short version of the speech goes something like this: If you have to pay taxes, it means you made decent money during the year (even if it doesn’t feel that way) and that (at least some of that) money goes towards things that we use and need everyday that we often take for granted.

If you’re anything like me, it’ll take a few attempts to swallow that pill, but it’s well worth it to keep attempting. Paying taxes is going to happen every year (a little like your birthday 😉 and if you’re self-employed it’s quarterly, so coming to terms with shelling out the money will kick up your happiness by at least a notch or two.

The other way to hate it less is to take the stress out of everything leading up to filing. If you use our Organization Kit, the entire process will include pulling out the folders marked ‘for your tax preparer’ and plugging in the numbers on the front of those folders into the tax forms and tah dah!

If you didn’t use the Kit last year, it’s not too late to pick one up and use it to help you sort your receipts and documents which generally include W-2, 1099 and 1098 forms (for mortgage interest deduction), property taxes, charitable contributions, and unreimbursed employee expenses.
Cheers to a smooth countdown to April 15th!

– Chelsea


Author Chelsea

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