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3 reasons to watch out for this catchy tune with a dangerous message

By June 4, 2015No Comments

I have to admit, Calloway’s “I Wanna Be Rich” is a catchy tune.

“I want money, lots and lots of money

So don’t be asking me why

I wanna be rich!…

I wanna be rich for a little love, peace, and happiness”


A later verse says:


“I spend my money on lottery

My favorite number is 1,2,3…”


I know it’s a silly song but silly messages have a way of infiltrating our minds and somewhat brainwashing us. Cinderella and living happily ever after, anyone? How many of us were misled by that one?!

So enjoy the song but beware of these three messages:

1. “Don’t be asking me why” – As though the reasons for wanting to be rich are so obvious as to be nonsensical to ask why you’d want it. For any goal in life, it’s always best to start with “why?” The goal of being rich is no exception. In fact, every talk I give on the subject begins with a discussion of why someone would want to be rich.  I recommend that we ask why and answer it for ourselves.

2. “I wanna be rich for a little love, peace, and happiness” is probably more dangerous than “happily ever after.” Let me share something I can personally attest to: There is NO, and I’m serious when I say NO causal connection between being rich and having love, peace, and happiness. This is not to say that you can’t be both rich and happy; it certainly is, but becoming rich does not automatically lead to the love, peace, and happiness that people generally expect it will. ‘Rich and happy’ is sorta like ‘skinny and healthy.’ Perhaps they’re related but they are not one and the same.

3. “I spend my money on lottery” is the fallacy that making a lot of money or receiving a windfall of cash is the way to wealth. It’s not. Plenty of “rich” people go broke. Managing your money is the key. Whether you have a lot of money or not, knowing how to handle it is the best way to keep and grow any amount of money. Clearly Calloway never saw TLC’s show “Lottery Changed My Life” whose subtitle could be: “And not in a good way.”

Just in case you want to hear the song in all its inaccurate glory, here’s the awesome video (awesome by 1990’s standards 🙂


Author Chelsea

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