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OK maybe it IS possible to buy whatever, whenever you want. Here’s how.

By July 17, 2015No Comments

In spite of what I said last week, I buy what I want, when I want it, and without worrying about the cost. I know this seems totally contradictory, but let me explain and more importantly, share how this is possible for you too. This is too juicy for just one post so I’ll break it down into two. Here’s part one (of three):

First, I constantly work to keep my ego in check. I’ve learned to identify it in all the ways it shows up in me by reading books like Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth (one of my top 5 favorite books!), attend Marianne Williamson lectures on A Course In Miracles (she talks a lot about how the ego causes fear), and have frequent conversations with people who are also seekers and are similarly introspective.

(In case you want to check out Marianne but can’t make it to Beverly Hills on Monday nights, she offers her lectures live streamed for free and she has amazing books like A Return to Love). [On a totally random tangent, why do my favorite books have the CHEESIEST titles?!?! I’d really love to know.] But anyway…

I try not to get caught up in what everyone else is doing, buying, and thinks is cool. Admittedly, it’s a constant effort as the ego never dies and living in LA makes it really easy to get sucked into looking good and trying to impress everyone and anyone.

I also try to spend more time with people who are conscious with their spending, are authentic and are more focused on becoming a better person than attracting praise, attention, and the acceptance of everyone around them.

Basically, I try to remember what’s important in life and what’s important to me. In terms of my money, I have it neatly spelled out in my budget, just in case I forget.

Warning: major bragging ahead!!!

When my ego is in check, I can walk into any store, see lots of pretty things I like, not buy anything, and NOT feel deprived. In fact, I feel empowered and rich because I can (in many cases) technically afford to buy something but just choose not to.

Keep an eye on your inbox for the next part of the formula for spending freedom!


Author Chelsea

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